Development Investments

Making it happen

Buying a ‘fixer upper’ is not a new concept. Many people are keen to try their hand at property development, and why not, there is money to be made in buying somewhere that needs work and doing it up to sell.

Development investments may be popular but getting your initial project off the ground can be a big step. There’s a lot to consider. Are you going to buy and sell straight on once the project is complete? Would you rather keep the property and act as a landlord renting out your property to tenants? And even before all of that, you still need to find a property, manage the renovations and work out whether you will get a financial return on your investment.

Getting It right

Making money out of property doesn’t need to be complicated. At Cotswold Property Partners we work with you to help make the difficult decisions and ensure that, whatever the scale of the project, it’s the right one for you. 

Whether you want to buy to let or buy to flip it’s important to really grasp what an undertaking like this involves, in terms of time and expense. The good news is, there’s nothing we love more than developing a property. We can talk you through the process from start to finish and help explain exactly what’s involved, from identifying the property and the purchase itself through to renovations and those all-important finishing touches. We know what’s worked for us and we’d love to make it work for you too. 

In safe hands

If you’re keen to invest but fancy a more hands-off approach, we can also take on a project management role and oversee the development process on your behalf.  We regularly work with a great team of contractors, from mortgage advisors and solicitors through to surveyors and builders which means your project is in safe, experienced, hands.

However you’d like to invest in property development, we’re here to help make it happen.

Enquire about a property

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